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Senior Admissions (Age 11-16)

Entry into our Senior School is highly competitive, with around 40% of our pupils coming from the BGS Primary Division at Year 7 and around 60% from other schools. We are always significantly oversubscribed. 

This makes for the perfect mix of pupils from different backgrounds, all of whom have one very important thing in common: a thirst for learning. We understand that pupils joining us from other schools will have had different learning experiences as juniors and we are looking for potential as well as the ability to thrive within the fast-paced learning environment of our Senior Schools. 

We are proving to be a school which more and more families are choosing for their children and pupil roll has grown considerably in the last few years. 

Those wishing to apply for a Year 7 place in our Senior School must register for the Entrance Examination, which takes place in January each year.  The Entrance Examination takes the form of 3 papers: English, Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning.  Please see the Timeline below for all the important dates.  Throughout the process, we are looking for achievement and potential as well as a thirst for learning. 

If you would like to register for our Entrance Examination on Thursday 23rd January 2024, please complete our Application Form and a member of our Admissions Team will be in touch. Below are some past examination papers which you may find of interest.

For details about our Senior School bursaries (assistance with school fees) and scholarships (a small one off monetary award and prestigious recognition of ability) please read the information on our Bursaries & Scholarship pages.

To request more information or to ask a question, please complete an Enquiry Form

Year 7 places for September 2025

If you are interested in joining our Senior School in September 2025, please complete our online Enquiry Form or Application Form.

Open Events

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Examination Past Papers


We'd love to hear from you!

Our experienced Admissions Team are always happy to hear from prospective families. 

Please contact them on 0161 696 8600 or by emailing if you have any questions about our admissions process or if you would like to book a personalised tour of our school.

A quote from a Year 7 parent: We have been astounded by just how quickly our son has settled into Senior School at BGS. The support he has received from the staff, and the school as a whole has been incredible. He was apprehensive about starting a new school, but in the first few months he has made so many new friends and had so many opportunities to try new things.
A quote from a Year 8 pupil: BGS is like one big family. I really feel I can be myself. Studying in Senior School has definitely made me more enthusiastic about learning, developing new skills, and meeting new people. Coming to BGS Senior School was the best decision I've ever made.
A quote from a Year 7 parent reading: Our daughter is so happy at BGS and it feels like such a positive influence in her life. She has grown in confidence and become so much braver in her outlook already. We are so happy with how she has settled in.