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Mock Interviews for Year 13

This term, our Year 13 students had the invaluable opportunity to participate in mock interviews conducted by a diverse panel of industry experts, including Bury Grammar School (BGS) teachers, alumni, and friends.  

In our many years of experience, we understand that university Admissions panels assess more than academic achievements; they also look for professionalism, empathy, and communication skills. Mock interviews are especially important for MDV (Medicine, Dentistry, and Veterinary) students to help them practise presenting themselves as future healthcare providers.  

As we know, clear and compassionate communication is vital in patient care, and mock interviews give students the chance to develop thoughtful, well-rounded responses and the chance to discuss ethical dilemmas effectively. By simulating the pressure of a real interview, mock sessions help students become more comfortable and confident when discussing their motivations, experiences, and career aspirations.  

On Wednesday, 20th November, our aspiring medical, dental, and veterinary students participated in a Mock Multiple Mini Interviews (MMI) Afternoon in the Roger Kay Hall.  

During this event, students rotated through 10 stations, each led by either a visiting professional or a BGS teacher. The mock MMIs followed a carousel format, covering a wide range of topics such as professional dilemmas, NHS hot topics, medical ethics, data interpretation, and task prioritisation. Each station provided an opportunity for students to demonstrate their knowledge and skills and allowed them to practise delivering concise, impactful answers under time constraints and in turn receive constructive feedback from experienced professionals.  

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to all visitors and BGS staff who gave up their time and offered their expertise and constructive feedback to Year 13. Mock interviews are a useful preparation tool, helping MDV students showcase their best selves and stand out in the competitive admissions process.